Become the change you want to see in Lithuania

Kurk Lietuvai Kurk Lietuvai

Join the Lithuanian public sector programme, which empowers change makers to transform the economy on a nationwide scale.


Change makers chose Lithuania


Projects implemented in various institutions


Participants stayed in Lithuania after the programme

Featured projects

7 September 2022 - 3 March 2023

Bridging and Increasing Reach of Info-platforms for Ukrainian Refugees

Ministry of Social Security and Labor of the Republic of of Lithuania

The project goal is to increase the reach of existing information resources for Ukrainian refugees, providing recommendations and support on constant update of their content. Additional the team wanted also to relieve the workload for municipalities and all institutions, which are working with coordinating the flow of refugees. Goal was to create a tool where all the relevant data will be gathered and shown in one place, so there is no need to be searching for it.

Participants: Polina Stasiuk, Kseniia Yerofeieva, Milda Ulozaitė

7 September 2022 - 3 March 2023

Rebuilding Ukraine: Lithuania’s long-term plan

VšĮ „Statybos sektoriaus vystymo agentūra“ (SSVA)

The team focuses on researching the use of digital tools, such as digital city models, for long-term reconstruction processes. The application of digital planning tools to reconstruction processes would allow for systematic data collection and aggregation, provide the necessary evidence for rapid decision-making and generate sustainable development practices.

Participants: Mariana Varkaliene (Maksymiv), Rūta Marija Slavinskaitė

7 September 2022 - 3 March 2023

Universal Jurisdiction

Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Lithuania

The goal of the project is to conduct an analysis of how universal jurisdiction is applied in the courts of Lithuania and other European countries and to propose solutions on how to make this process more effective, especially when investigating war crimes, crimes against humanity and cases of possible genocide in Ukraine.

Participants: Dr. Kateryna Latysh, Dr. Monika Rogers

7 March 2022 - 6 September 2022

ArtTech – Opportunities for Lithuania’s Cultural and Creative Industries

Ministry of Culture of the Republic of of Lithuania

To enable the emergence of an ArtTech ecosystem in Lithuania based on successful foreign practices and in cooperation with stakeholders. To raise awareness of Industry 4.0 and 5.0 technology opportunities in the public and CCI sector as well as to initiate cooperation with the tech community.

Participants: Beatričė Ceizarienė, Ieva Gurklytė, Elena Ruikytė

Lithuanian leaders about Create Lithuania

Responding the invitation to create for Lithuania means leading our state forward by means of your knowledge, creativity and leadership. It also means hearing the voice of young and talented people and giving them the opportunity to use their so much needed international experience in the public sector.

Gitanas Nausėda President of the Republic of Lithuania

This programme encourages talents to participate in the life of Lithuania, experience the necessity to create Lithuania and take the responsibility for the future of Lithuania.

Dalia Grybauskaitė President of the Republic of Lithuania (2009-2019)

It is very important for Lithuania that citizens do not stand on the sidelines, but actively participate in the governance of the country. The public sector desperately needs new thinking, new ideas, a driven approach to problem solving, and the Create Lithuania programme offers the state exactly that.

Saulius Skvernelis Prime Minister (2016-2020)

Finding young professionals returning from abroad and willing to make a difference in the public sector is difficult. This is why Create Lithuania is an injection of new people and innovative ideas that helps to revitalize neglected areas that need a fresh approach.

Virginijus Sinkevičius Eurocommissioner

“Create Lithuania programme is like a droplet that ripples through the state institutions and raises awareness about how much can be achieved, when talented creative people are employed to build the future of the state.

Mantas Katinas Director General of Invest Lithuania (2015-2021)

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latest insights

Co-Create: A new project inspired by Create Lithuania launches in Ukraine
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Co-Create: A new project inspired by Create Lithuania launches in Ukraine
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Selection of participants for 2024-2025
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Create Lithuania participant selection closing soon – register now
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Create Lithuania opens applications: we are looking for participants to drive the economic transformation
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