Kurkime modernią Lietuvos ateitį kartu


Central Project Management Agency

Ukraine’s Recovery: Energy Sector Cooperation

6 March 2023 - 6 September 2023


Amidst the ongoing war in Ukraine, Lithuania is already active in various ad hoc rebuilding projects, some of which are managed by Lithuania’s Central Project Management Agency, positioning the country as a committed partner. Recognizing the importance of supporting Ukraine’s recovery, Lithuania also aims to focus on the energy sector, necessitating a comprehensive, long-term strategy and substantial investment. It is essential to ensure Ukraine’s energy and economic resilience, facilitating a speedy recovery. 

To achieve this, it is important to identify the areas where Lithuania’s capabilities align with Ukraine’s energy sector needs. With limited resources, the focus is on renewable energy, prioritized for development in Ukraine, and must be narrowed down further. Involvement of relevant stakeholders, particularly businesses from both countries, is crucial in initiating tangible projects rapidly. 

Leveraging its historical and cultural ties, effective communication, and partnership experience, Lithuania may provide its expertise in relevant direction of energy cooperation along with experience of integration to the European Union. Prompt action capitalizes on this advantage, fostering appreciation from Ukraine and paving the way for future collaborations. 

With this aim, the Lithuanian Government should evaluate and prioritise directions for sectoral cooperation as well as establish necessary facilitating conditions. With research-based approach, a long-term engagement and coordination plan can be implemented, providing ongoing benefits for both Ukraine and Lithuania. 


The goal of the project is to provide evidence-based direction for Lithuanian-Ukrainian energy sector cooperation, consisting of: 

  • Suggested areas for sectoral cooperation and corresponding project proposals;
  • Recommendations for specific actions or instruments to be implemented.

Project progress


Analysis of Lithuanian capacities in renewable energy sources with aim to define potential sectors for cooperation (see file Roundtable I Presentation)


Roundtable I with Lithuanian energy sector stakeholders (see file Roundtable I Report)


Further analysis of Ukrainian energy sector needs (see file Post-roundtable, Biomass-focus Presentation)


International practices overview (see files International Practices Overview and Financing: Energy Projects In Ukraine)


Focus Group discussions (see files Summary For Participants and Discussions Report)


Roundtable II dedicated to overlaps between LT and UA energy sector: suggested areas and corresponding project proposals presented (see files Final Document and Roundtable II Presentation)

Project files


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