Kurkime modernią Lietuvos ateitį kartu
RegistruotisMinistry of Culture of the Republic of Lithuania
Enabling Participation: Opportunities for Individual Contributions in Culture Funding
The State Progress Strategy “Lithuania 2050” positions culture as the foundation of the country’s identity. According to Lithuania’s cultural policy strategy, the cultural factor is indispensable for the advancement of modern political democracy, economic growth, critical thinking in society, social cohesion, and the well-being of every Lithuanian citizen. It is evident that the prosperity of culture is a national priority. Achieving this requires active engagement, not only from participants within the cultural realm but also from society at large.
In Lithuania, much like in many European countries, cultural funding remains heavily reliant on public finances. According to data from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Lithuania stands among the leaders in terms of the proportion of the national budget allocated to cultural financing. Nevertheless, despite the relative growth of the budget directed to culture, state subsidies cannot fully meet the current financing needs. This is apparent from the statistics of applications presented to the Lithuanian Council for Culture and the situation within specific cultural sectors.
According to Lithuania’s cultural policy strategy, the state should gather resources and eliminate regulatory barriers to the contribution of individual donors. It also aims to reduce the administrative burden on private contributors. Furthermore, the document invites exploration of tax incentives that would be beneficial to individual supporters. Greater involvement of individuals in funding cultural and creative industries is a promising alternative that can contribute to the financial sustainability of the cultural sector.
The aim of the project is to explore how individuals can contribute to cultural funding and identify ways to create more favorable conditions for such opportunities.
Project progress
Current situation analysis completed
Best foreign practices analysis completed
Interview on LRT KLASIKA radio programme "Ryto allegro"
Presentation of the project to a political group at the Ministry of Culture
Presentation to the Education, Science and Culture Group of the Office of the President of the Republic of Lithuania
Roundtable discussion with representatives of the public, private and NGO sectors
Presentation at the Patronage Council meeting
Guidelines for project continuity