Kurkime modernią Lietuvos ateitį kartu


Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Lithuania

Enhancing collaboration between cultural and creative industries and other sectors to foster social innovation

9 September 2024 - 28 February 2025


In the context of globalization and societal changes (automation, robotics, shifting consumer needs, an aging population, and increasing geopolitical risks), challenges driven by these processes have made social innovation an essential tool for addressing them. Simultaneously, social innovation significantly contributes to strengthening the economy.

The growing demand for social innovation in the European Union is also reflected in EU initiatives, such as the European Social Fund Plus, which highlights the potential of cultural and creative industries (CCI) in driving their development. The EU’s 2021–2027 investment program allocates funding to Lithuania to enhance the CCI’s contribution to a sustainable and socially responsible economy. Additionally, Lithuania’s Lithuania 2050 strategy highlights the necessity of leveraging the potential of Lithuanian culture and creators for developing social innovation. The synergy between CCI and social innovation is also embedded in the Smart Specialization concept, identifying it as one of the priority areas for allocating national resources.

However, the potential of CCI in creating social innovation remains underutilized. A study on the EU’s cultural and creative sector policy identified that social innovation development, grounded in cross-sectoral collaboration with CCI, is one of four tension areas in EU policy. While the importance of social innovation is acknowledged, a comprehensive system and essential cross-sectoral collaboration for its development are still lacking.

An analysis of CCI development and social innovation policy formation and implementation measures in Lithuania reveals insufficient political focus on the synergy between CCI and social innovation. Theoretical frameworks, such as the Lithuanian 2021–2030 Culture and Creativity Development Program, emphasize the untapped potential of CCI to create innovative social services, highlighting the need for solutions. However, in practice, there is a lack of a cohesive CCI and social innovation policy within the Ministry of Culture. There are no established guidelines or programs to address these challenges, nor are there consistent actions to address the issues.

Given Lithuania’s current situation, it is evident that fostering social innovation is a crucial but untapped opportunity for the country. There is a lack of appropriate conditions to ensure smooth collaboration between CCI and other sectors, which would facilitate social innovation. Enhancing collaboration between CCI and other sectors would enable innovation, strengthen the potential and competitiveness of CCI in Lithuania, promote cross-sectoral knowledge sharing, and thereby contribute to economic growth and the progressive development of society in Lithuania.


The aim of the project is to promote the development of social innovation through collaboration between CCI and other sectors.

Project progress


Analysis of the current situation in Lithuania


Analysis of best practices from other countries


Discussion of the project's strategic direction with the political team and Ministry of Culture representatives


Public consultations with stakeholders


Presentation of proposed solutions to stakeholders


Recommendation guidelines for project continuation


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