Kurkime modernią Lietuvos ateitį kartu
RegistruotisMinistry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania
Developing international partnerships for sustainable development
Because of Lithuania’s membership in both the European Union and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development’s Development Assistance Committee, Lithuania has committed to providing 0.33% of their GNI to development assistance. Additionally, Lithuania’s Strategic Directions for Development Cooperation document firmly places sustainability as a requirement for development cooperation.
A previous Create Lithuania participant, Aušra Raulušonytė has catalogued all Lithuanian companies that are providing sustainable development solutions. This catalogue contains information about each company, their solution, scale, and global experience.
While the catalogue has been presented to colleagues in a few conferences, the widespread use of the catalogue has not yet become a reality. The production of this catalogue coincides with a desire by LTAid, The Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ Development Cooperation Department”, to increase their cooperation with partner countries, development banks, and other development organizations to increase their participation in development assistance focusing on sustainable solutions.
By partnering with other countries, NGOs, and international organizations, Lithuania’s sustainable solutions can be included in more multilateral development projects, allowing for growth in Lithuania’s sustainability sector, more Lithuanian solutions in development projects, and a rising perception of Lithuania as a global sustainable development leader.
The aim of this project is to utilize the Catalogue of Sustainable Development Solutions to cultivate international and domestic partnerships to promote Lithuania’s sustainable solutions for development cooperation.
Project progress
Current Situation Analysis Presented
Foreign Best Practices Presented
Solution Identified
Receive and review information from Commercial Attaches
Development Finance Institutions’ research to build Catalogue of External Funding Opportunities
Draft of Catalogue of External Funding Opportunities
Final draft of Catalogue of External Funding Opportunities
Project files