Paulius Žeimys
- BA Arts and Culture (Maastricht University, The Netherlands)
When I was finishing high–school, studying abroad was not on the top of my goals. However a few lucky coincidences latter,I had an offer to goin my hands, that was irresistible. Thus started my 6 wonderful and full of adventure years in The Netherlands. Even though I left, I never felt “fully emigrated” from Lithuania. Activities with the local Baltic student community, Dutch–Lithuanian community and the Embassy of Lithuania to The Netherlands became a priority and latter a job. This made me always aware the Lithuanian news in order for me to be able to share it with the communities. I was very proud to, in this sense, be a little Lithuanian ambassador. It makes me even more proud to join the team of the fittest little Lithuanian ambassadors, carrying a “Create Lithuania” flag. The exceptional projects carried out by the former “creators” proved that the Lithuanian public sector is open for our creativity. It is the most motivating inspiration to be a part of YPP “Create Lithuania”.