Vilius Sanda

Vilius Sanda



  • Bachelor’s degree in law (Mykolas Romeris University, Vilnius, Lithuania)
  • Master’s degree in Law, Legum Magister Europae (LL.M. Eur.) (Ludwig- Maximilians- Universität, Munich, Germany)


  • Blue Book Traineeship at the Regional Aid Unit of the European Commission, Directorate General for Competition
  • Traineeship in the Legal, Convergence and Enforcement Department of the European Securities and Markets Authority


The call for participation in the Create for Lithuania programme attracted my attention because I see the opportunity to participate in this programme as a unique opportunity to add value at the societal level through the practical application of my academic knowledge and professional skills acquired through my efforts abroad in the public sector of the Republic of Lithuania.

The academic experience included a carefully structured Legum Magister Europae programme at Ludwig Maximilian University, which allowed me to deepen my knowledge of the institutional and substantive law of the European Union. Later, academic knowledge was enriched by a varied practical experience at the European Commission and the European Securities and Markets Authority. This experience gave me a first–hand experience of the multiculturalism of the European Union institutions and a unique insight into the working culture of the European Union institutions, based on collegial cooperation, where professionals from different academic backgrounds work together to reach a common compromise in terms of the objectives pursued. This parallel between working for the European Union institutions and the activities of the ‘Create Lithuania’ programme makes participation in the latter programme particularly attractive; I am convinced that the highest and most effective results are achieved through teamwork, which reflects the sum of the individual contributions of all the members of the team.