Rytis Kėvelaitis

Rytis Kėvelaitis



  • Bachelor of International Relations and Political Science (University of Sheffield, UK)
  • Exchange: International Relations and Law (University of Geneva, Switzerland)


Four years ago, when I went to study in the UK after graduating from school, I had three goals: to get a very high level education in political science and international relations, which I have always been interested in; to broaden my professional and personal horizons by becoming a global Lithuanian; and to come back to Lithuania and build for Lithuania. At the time, I was not yet sure how to do this: until recently, the words “civil service” and “initiative” were completely incompatible. But last year’s ‘Create for Lithuania’ project came as a pleasant surprise and seemed to change everything for the better.

I am glad that in the coming years I will have the opportunity to create for Lithuania together with like–minded people who see the world and Lithuania in a similar way, who have the highest level of education and a professional attitude – I am convinced that such a team can make both each other and our country improve.