Medeina Čijauskaitė
- Bachelor of Communication and Information, Journalism (Vilnius University, Lithuania)
- Conflict Analysis and Resolution; Terrorism and Counterterrorism (exchange programme at Utrecht University, The Netherlands)
- Erasmus Mundus MA: Journalism, Media and Globalisation (Aarhus University, Denmark; Danish School of Journalism; University of Technology, Sydney, Australia)
- Specialisation in Political Communication (University of Amsterdam, Postgraduate School of Communication, The Netherlands)
I used to laugh at a Danish friend who kept quoting President Kennedy. But I came to this programme with his words in my head: “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country”. I cannot remain indifferent to what surrounds me, because I believe deeply that a person should live awake and not “capture” existence. I can’t do without communication – my work (political communication) is a daily flood of endorphins. It will be very interesting to see how my communication schemes, which have become a bible (and have been refined in six universities around the world), work in a young, challenging democracy.
Countries where I studied/worked: Netherlands, Australia, Denmark, Qatar