Julija Jankaitė
- Bachelor of Psychology – Magna Cum Laude (University College Utrecht, Netherlands)
- Exchange Mahidol University International College (Thailand)
- Experience in project management (KPMG UK)
- Head of Talents for Lithuania Programme
- Internships in Human Resources and Digital Marketing (Lithuania)
- Volunteering in Thailand – teaching English
After leaving Lithuania I lived and worked in three countries, did internships in Lithuania and after coming back collaborated with the biggest employers in Lithuania attracting young professionals to the countries market. While in contact with the Lithuanian diaspora, I again understood how much potential and opportunities global Lithuania has. I was sure, that not only do I want to help others discover the growing Lithuania but also help it develop with my own work.
Before joining “Kurk Lietuvai” program, I would frequently wonder how to match academic psychological knowledge together with the acquired project management experience. That is why I am so happy that I had the opportunity to join mental health improvement projects in “Kurk Lietuvai”.