Ignas Rubikas
- Bachelor of Psychology and Philosophy (Oxford University, UK)
I knew when I was still at school that I would go abroad to study. But I knew even more firmly that I would be back immediately afterwards. This principled determination helped me to create the conditions for this: for all three years I kept in touch with Lithuania through friends, social activities, active participation in Lithuanian communities abroad, and holidays in Lithuania.
The fate of a diasporic state can be either a blessing or a tragedy for Lithuania. It will depend on the attitude with which Lithuanians leave and live abroad – whether they cherish and care for their country, or are filled with unfulfilled expectations, anger and resentment. I believe that the state and the way it treats people day in, day out is largely responsible for this: how much respect, consideration and care it shows. The Create Lithuania programme gives us the opportunity to show this care and respect and to help those who are still searching for hope that it is also possible to live in Lithuania with honesty, friendship and trust in our authorities and in each other.