Ieva Nagytė
- MA in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language to Foreigners (Zhejiang University, China)
- MA with First Class Honours in Chinese and German (University of Edinburgh, UK)
- International exchanges: Passau University (Germany), Dalian University of Technology (China)
- Delegation of the EU to China and Mongolia – Political, Press and Information section; Zhejiang University Publishing House – International Cooperation Office
For the past six years I was lucky enough to indirectly represent my home country in China, the UK, Germany and other countries. Volunteering, studying and working abroad have allowed me to explore many details about the ties of those foreign countries with Lithuania. Time abroad has also given me an opportunity to observe and evaluate the problems and perspectives of Lithuanian politics from a different angle. Knowledge and experience gained throughout these years have encouraged me to come back and try to implement my insights.
YPP “Create Lithuania” is exactly what those young professionals need, who wish to share their positive foreign experiences and make full use of their potential in the public sector. I am proud to be part of this unique programme!