Deimantė Adamonė
- Child rights protection, Master’s degree, Mykolas Romeris University, Lithuania
- Sociology and anthropology, Bachelor’s degree, Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania
- Human Resource Management, Bachelor’s degree, University of Limerick, Ireland
- Community Addiction Studies, Tipperary Education and Science Agency, Ireland
- Four years of experience working with young people who are at risk of antisocial behaviour
- A year of mentoring in the Big Brother Big Sister program
- For two years I worked on various projects such as Sex Education, Leadership for Life and Comprehensive Health Education for young people experiencing social exclusion
- One year spent volunteering for disabled children organization and worked on financial support for same organizations
- I have been working with the elderly and empowering them in their homes
I love Lithuania. Life abroad reminded me that we have wonderful country and how much more we can to do for it. While volunteering, studying and working with young people, I have accumulated various and, in my opinion, very significant experiences, which I wish to share back home. I believe that Create Lithuania and the public sector provide great opportunity to help empower youth of Lithuania.