Paulius Valiulis

Paulius Valiulis



  • Export Engineering, Bachelor’s degree (Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania)
  • Master’s degree in Logistics and Science Management (Kent Business School, Kent County University,

United Kingdom)


During the five years I spent abroad, I always had the idea that I would like to apply my knowledge in Lithuania, but through the daily stream of knowledge I never saw the right opportunity. Until that fateful, life–changing day. The Create Lithuania programme is the only place in Lithuania where there is such a high concentration of young professionals who have completed their studies abroad.

After my undergraduate studies in Kaunas, I felt that there was a lack of challenges and new goals in life. So I decided to continue my studies abroad and chose the UK for a very rational reason – the study programme was among the top ten in the EU. The invaluable knowledge, the academic interaction of the student–teachers and the friendships with my fellow students broadened my horizons and taught me how to manage projects and organise my work in a western way.

Although I was drawn back to my home country, the job offers kept me tethered in a foreign country: I specialised in the organisation and sales development of international container shipping, I worked for a company providing broadband satellite communications, and I tried my hand at my own business. All this gave me the opportunity to interact with corporate partners and suppliers from the Middle East, Asia, Africa and many European countries, as well as invaluable experience in the application of high–quality and efficient business administration standards.

The future in a foreign country was promising, but I want to use my potential elsewhere – I want to apply all the knowledge I have gained in Lithuania. I already know that I am not alone on this path, because I have the same ambitious and willing people, colleagues, friends and family who want to build Lithuania.